Beginning in 2023, The Fred C. & Katherine B. Andersen Foundation is pleased to extend the opportunity to apply for grant funding online. Please note, the grant application has been updated and simplified. Please apply online.
Previous Grantees -- The Board requests that previous grantees register in the portal and apply through the online application process. If you have already registered, simply log in to your existing account.
New Applicants -- Please register in the portal and confirm eligibility by answering questions about organizational priorities and service areas. With our considerable ongoing obligations to existing grant partners, we are limited in our ability to fund new organizations’ requests.
The Fred C. & Katherine B. Andersen Foundation primarily, but not exclusively, serves St. Croix Valley communities including Washington and eastern Ramsey County (in MN) and Polk, St. Croix, and Pierce counties (in WI). The Foundation prioritizes organizations providing needed services within the geographic area outlined. In the application process, please provide service numbers specific to that geographic region.
The Fred C. & Katherine B. Andersen Board of Directors and staff, well acquainted with the history and work of the Foundation, will evaluate applications based on the following:
The organization or project addresses a specific need or opportunity
The activities are clearly summarized
The use of funds align with the mission of the Fred C. & Katherine B. Andersen Foundation
Community impact
Applications Open | Application Deadline | Results Issued (via email) |
February 1 | March 30 | June |
May 1 | June 30 | September |
August 1 | September 30 | December |
*Note - To ensure a fair process, no late applications can be accepted. Results will be provided via email. Generally, checks will be sent within one month of award notification.
Applicants may begin the application process, save their work, and login to their account later to complete and submit the application.
Following application submission, the applicant may download a copy.
Applicants may copy/paste from applicable information from previous applications.
Please direct any program questions to info@fkandersen.org or (651-583-8485).
Please direct any technical questions related to application processes to: info@fkandersen.org.